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We got a store, come visit us in real life, real soon. We are set to have our grand opening May 2025, stay tuned on socials for more information on exact date, activites and fun news.

NEW LOCATION: 44 Lakeshore Plaza Kirkland WA

In the same plaza of the marina bay park between Earthlight Rocks and Pop Culture Champagne.

Our Stockists


Tender Loving Empire - SeaTac Airport N Concourse

5am - 10pm Everyday 

Brassbound Collective 

111 Railroad ave, Cashmere, Washington 98815 

Island Life Bainbridge - Artisan Gifts 

488 Winslow Way East
Bainbridge Island, WA 98110

Store Hours
Monday through Thursday 10:30 am - 5:30 pm
Friday and Saturday 10 am - 5:30 pm
Sunday 11:00 am - 5:30 pm


Tender Loving Empire - NW 23rd Ave

525 NW 23rd Ave.
Portland, OR 97210
(503) 964-6592

11AM - 7PM Everyday 

Tender Loving Empire - Portland Airport Concourse D

(503) 288-3925
5AM - 10PM Everyday



Trail stockist means that currently the store is carrying our products but it is not a long term stockist yet but it has the potential to be based on customers response to products and season.

Madison Park Pharmacy and Wellness 

4130 E Madison St, Seattle, WA 98112

Lilac and Lemon Boutique 

Located in Mill Creek Town Center 
15603 Main St B-103, Mill Creek, WA 98012

Doll Parts Collective 

4832 California Ave SW
Seattle, WA 98116 

Trillium at Bellevue Botanical Gardens 

Located in: Bellevue Botantical Gardens 
12001 Main St, Bellevue, WA 98005
Ballard Health Center 

1138 NW Market Street, Seattle WA 


Currently looking for stockists please contact to inquire about it more.  

Interested in carrying our products contact wholesale monique@aromaart.co or shop wholesale on Faire at https://aromaart.faire.com